Facts about Zodiac horoscope

Zodiac Horoscope

Millions of people around the world take the help of zodiac horoscopes to know about their future. There are 12 zodiacs according to birth date (sun signs) or Janma-Kundali (moon signs). We will consider here sun signs for convenience.

After you know your sun sign, you can read your daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly horoscope on different websites as well as in newspapers. There are many booklets also which provide this information. There are thousands of websites that provide this service free of cost and almost every newspaper in this world provides daily, weekly, monthly, and/or yearly horoscopes. If a newspaper stops publishing daily horoscopes in it, its sale goes down considerably. By this, you would understand the popularity of zodiac horoscopes.

But the question is, is it a trustworthy way to find our future?  Is there any other reliable way than a zodiac horoscope?  I do not think that this is a reliable way. I would try to prove my point in this article.

What is wrong with zodiac horoscopes?

Zodiac horoscopes are not individualized. Approximately 7 billion people are living on the earth and there are 12 zodiacs. If we divide 7 billion by 12, approximately 0.6 billion people would belong to each zodiac. In that, there would be children, young men, and women, old and middle-aged persons, handicapped people, etc. Now, how is it possible that all the 0.6 billion people would have the same experience on that particular day or in a week, month, or year. It is completely illogical to think so. Hence, it proves my point that zodiac horoscopes are useless.

Let us consider an example of Mr. A who reads zodiac horoscope daily in a leading newspaper, which is considered a reliable source. Birthdate of Mr. A is January 11, so his zodiac would be Capricorn.

Mr. A, on December 20, 2011, read that today, he would meet one of his old friends. Is it possible that all the 0.6 billion people would meet one of their old friends?  No, not at all. Most of the people would lead their way as they do regularly. They would not meet any of their old friends but a few people might meet their old friends but this percentage would be too small and it could happen on any day. Therefore, this small percentage of people would start to believe in horoscopes and would not come to know or care about what has happened to other 0.6 billion people in the world.

Inconsistencies in predictions:

Ideally, the rules for prediction by zodiac horoscopes should be the same, hence all the sources should show the same prediction for the same day but it does not happen. There are different predictions in different newspapers, books, and/or websites. There is hardly any consistency among these predictions.

The same thing applies to zodiac horoscope according to moon signs. That is why I say that zodiac horoscope is just a wastage of time.

But if you use zodiac horoscopes along with birth charts, it can provide more accurate results than zodiac horoscope alone. A birth chart or Kundali gives predictions depending upon the place, time, date, and day of an individual. Hence, it is much more individualized than zodiac horoscopes. Though the birth chart is also not very much accurate, its results are much more reliable than zodiac horoscopes alone.

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