
Was Gautama Buddha an avatar of Lord Vishnu?

One of the most controversial questions concerning Hinduism and Buddhism is whether Gautama Buddha was an avatar of Lord Vishnu or not. This question is critical for both religions because both Vishnu and Buddha are highly revered in these religions. Traditionally, most Hindus believe that Lord Buddha was the ninth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, but most Buddhists do not believe so. Vaishnavites also do not agree with this. Some Vaishnavites believe that Balarama was the eighth and Lord Krishna was the ninth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. But then, the question arises, why would Lord Vishnu take two avatars at the…

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Similarities between Hinduism and Buddhism

Interestingly, the founder of Buddhism, Gautam Buddha, was a Hindu from the warrior community. So, it is not surprising that most of the concepts of Buddhism and Hinduism are similar. In this article, we will try to find out the similarities between Hinduism and Buddhism. Similarities between Hinduism and Buddhism: 1. The Aim of Life: The aim of life advocated by Hinduism and Buddhism is the same i.e., salvation. The only difference is salvation is called Moksha in Hinduism and as Nirvana in Buddhism. 2. Eight-fold path: The eight-fold path suggested by Buddha is also advocated by Hinduism but Hinduism…

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Differences between Hinduism and Buddhism

Though most of the aspects of Hinduism and Buddhism are the same, there are some differences between these two great religions. We will try to point out those differences in this article. Differences between Hinduism and Buddhism: 1. Hinduism has no single founder. Buddhism was founded by Lord Gautam Buddha. 2. Buddhism does not comment on God but it only talks about Godness. Hinduism strongly believes in God. 3. Hinduism advocates rituals, prayers as well as meditation as forms of worship whilst Buddhism advocates only meditation as a form of worship. 4. Hinduism believes in the caste system. Buddhism does…

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Buddhism | Buddha Dharma

Buddhism is a religion whose followers follow the teachings set forth by Lord Gautam Buddha. Buddhism is also known as Buddha Dharma or Dhamma. A follower of Buddhism is called a Buddhist. Buddhism is the world’s fourth-largest religion. It was founded by Lord Gautam Buddha in India. Buddhism advocates salvation as the ultimate aim of life. Teachings of Buddhism: 1. Three Guiding Principles: Buddha, Dhamma, and the Sangha are the three guiding principles for a Buddhist. 2. Salvation: As Hinduism believes in salvation, Buddhism also believes in salvation as the ultimate aim of life. Salvation is liberation from the cycle…

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Islam Vs Hinduism

As there are some similarities between Hinduism and Islam, there are also some differences between these major religions of the world. In this article, we will try to list the differences between Hinduism and Islam. Islam Vs Hinduism: 1. Islam was founded as a religion. Hinduism was not founded as a religion. It was the way of life that later took the form of religion. 2. Prophet Mohammad Paigambar is considered the founder of Islam. There is no single founder of Hinduism. (According to the Quran, Mohammad Paigambar was just a messenger and not the founder of Islam, but Islam,…

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Similarities between Hinduism and Islam

Hinduism and Islam are two great religions in the world. There are a lot of misconceptions about both of these religions. There have been several conflicts between the followers of these religions. The history of relations between these religions is blood-stained, but very few people know that these religions have many things in common. Similarities between Hinduism and Islam: 1. In practice, Hindus worship many deities and have faith in different saints. In practice, Muslims go to different dargahs and have faith in different saints. 2. Hindus do not wear shoes inside a temple. Muslims also do not wear shoes…

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