Hindu Customs

Why do Hindus do half pradakshina of a Shiva lingam?

Circumambulation around a sacred object or an idol of a god is an important custom in Hinduism, but Hindus do only half pradakshina around a Shiva lingam. A Shiva lingam is an anionic representation of Lord Shiva. In this article, we will try to know the reason behind this custom. A Few Things to Note: 1. Technically, it is not half circumambulation, but it is three-fourth. If one starts from the front of a Shiva lingam and reaches the outlet called Nirmili or Gomukhi, this distance is about one-third of a complete circumambulation. 2. Not all Hindus are prohibited from…

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Widow Remarriage in Hinduism

Some religious scriptures allow widow remarriage in Hinduism under certain conditions while some discourage it. There is definite evidence that remarriage was in practice in India around or before the time of the Mahabharata but the practice seized to exist slowly with the advancement of time. During the medieval period, a widow’s marriage was considered an unforgivable sin! Scriptures Supporting Widow Remarriage and General Remarriage in Hinduism: Rigveda: Some hymns in the Rig Veda imply a widow was allowed to remarry the brother of her deceased husband. 10.8.7, 10.8.8, 10.8.9: “Let these women, whose husbands are worthy and are living,…

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Parikrama (circumambulation) or Pradakshina is a ritual in Hinduism and some other religions in which a person circumambulates around a person or a thing in a clockwise direction. It is done around idols, temples, trees/plants, rivers, mountains, persons, and other objects. Meaning of the Words Parikrama and Pradakshina: ‘Pari’ in Sanskrit means ‘around,’ and ‘Krama’ means ‘going’. Therefore, the word Parikrama means going around. Pradakshina comprises two words, viz. ‘Pra’ and ‘Dakshina (right), which means ‘to the right’. Significance of Parikrama: Hindus believe that every sacred object in the universe contains divine energy. Although this energy is mainly concentrated in…

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Types of Marriage in Hinduism

There are eight types of marriage in Hinduism per Hindu Dharmashastras. They are mentioned in the Manusmriti 3.21-35. The Sanskrit word for marriage is Vivaha. It is one of the 16 important Samskaras (rituals) in a Hindu’s life. Humans encounter different situations throughout life. In some situations, couples have to marry secretly, while some marriages took place with the consent of parents and the transaction of money takes place. In such situations, different types of marriage are useful. Eight Types of Marriage in Hinduism: 1. Brahma Vivaha: 2. Daiva Vivaha. 3. Arsha Vivaha. 4. Prajapatya Vivaha. 5. Asura Vivaha. 6.…

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