Saints of Maharashtra

Saints of Maharashtra

Sant Tukaram, Dnyaneshwar, Eknath, Namdev, and Janabai are some of the most famous saints of Maharashtra. Maharashtra is known as the land of saints because many great saints are born in this land. These saints showed the path of devotion to millions of people. Their literary work is still guiding people to live pious and peaceful life. In this article, I have tried to list the names of all the saints of Maharashtra.

Saints of Maharashtra (Male):

1. Balumama.

2. Banka Mahar.

3. Bhanudas.

4. Chokhamela.

5. Damaji Pant.

6. Dnyaneshwar.

7. Eknath.

8. Gadgebaba.

9. Gondavalekar Maharaj or Brahmachaitanya.

10. Gora Kumbhar.

11. Gulabrao Maharaj.

12. Jagmitra Naga.

13. Janardan Swami.

14. Kaikadi Maharaj.

15. Karmamela.

16. Mankoji Bhosale.

17. Morya Gosavi.

18. Namdev.

19. Narhari Sonar.

20. Niloba Maharaj.

21. Nivrutti Nath.

22. Raka Kumbhar.

23. Ramdas.

24. Sant Janajasawanta.

25. Santaji Pawar.

26. Savata Mali.

27. Sena Nhavi.

28. Shaikh Mohammad.

29. Shridhar Swami.

30. Sopan Maharaj.

31. Tukaram.

32. Tukdoji Maharaj.

Female Saints of Maharashtra:

The holy land of Maharashtra not only gave birth to male saints but also many female saints. Their exemplary life lit a lamp in the life of many women.

1. Bahinabai Pathak.

2. Bhagu.

3. Goma Bai.

4. Janabai.

5. Kanhopatra.

6. Muktabai.

7. Nirmala.

8. Sakhubai.

9. Sant Soyarabai.


Most of these saints were great poets also. They composed many devotional songs called abhanga. Most of them were the devotees of Lord Panduranga. They belonged to different castes. At that time, the caste system in Maharashtra had become rigid. The people from the so-called lower castes were treated inferiorly.

I think God sent so many saints to India to teach people that the caste system they were following was wrong. The teachings of these saints had positive effects on the lives of people and helped mitigate the ill effects of the caste system.

If you know the names of saints of Maharashtra not mentioned here, please use the comment section to let me know.

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