Why do we name baby on the 12th day of his/her birth and why the family where the baby is born do not lit diyas or worship for 10-11 days and on the 12th day sprinkle holy water?


Why do we name baby on the 12th day? This question was asked by a reader.

The naming ceremony (Namkaran Samskar) is one of the 16 samskaras in a Hindu’s life. It is performed on the 12th day after the birth of the child. The following are the reasons why we name baby on the 12th day.

1. In a Hindu family, Sutak is observed for 11 days after the birth of the child. During these 11 days, Hindus don’t go to temples or do pujas in the home. The newborn is not brought out of the house. The mother of the child is not allowed to go into the kitchen. Other people are not allowed to touch the newborn. It is believed that impurity occurs after the birth/death of a person in the family. Hence on the 12th day, as the Sutak is over, the home is purified by sprinkling holy water or cow urine.

2. Another reason behind this could be the fact that as the newborn is susceptible to infections, a period of 11 days is given for him/her to adjust to the environment and develop his/her immunity. The mother also needs rest after the delivery of the child.

Rules of Sutak are mentioned in different Smritis like Manusmriti, Gautam Smriti, Vishnu Smriti, Vashishtha Smriti, and Parashara Smriti.

So, that is why people do not light oil lamps or do worship for 11 days.

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