Why Hinduism

Angkor Vat - Why Hinduism

There are many religions on the Earth, then how Hinduism differs from others?  How it is unique?  The following points would explain why Hinduism is a unique religion.

The uniqueness of Hinduism:

Hinduism was not founded as a religion. So, it does not have only one founder and therefore, it allows multiple streams of thoughts, which lead us to the one and only GOD and is the base of tolerance towards other religions that have different paths to reaching towards God.

Hinduism believes only in one GOD, as do the other religions, but at the same time, it allows its followers to worship other deities as they are believed to be part of the same God. This gives an impression at the first site that Hinduism believes in different Gods, but if one reads the sacred Hindu books like Bhagavad Gita or Vedas, this misconception gets wiped out.

Hinduism does not restrict the belief of people by saying this is the only GOD or this is the only messenger GOD has sent to us. Hinduism accepts the existence of all religions. It allows you to worship anything like trees, stones, nature, or even persons if you find them as one with GOD.

After all, it is your life and you should be able to worship what you like. Why others should decide what you should worship?  So, Hinduism acts as a guide in your journey of life to help you better your life and the lives of all living beings in this universe.

Hinduism is a truly democratic religion. There are no restrictions on leaving Hinduism if the person does not like it. It is not considered a sin. This is because Hinduism was not founded as a religion. So, there is no concept of conversion to or from Hinduism.

Hinduism teaches us to love not only human beings but also the animals around us because as we are the creation of that Almighty, they are also his creation and have the same rights to live peacefully on this planet as we have.

For Hindus, the GOD is genderless. Hindus worship male as well as female deities.

At any point of time in your life if you are in any sort of problem, just remember the following lines from Holy Bhagavad Gita:

“Whatever has happened has happened for the best, whatever is happening is happening for the best, and whatever is going to happen, would happen for the best.”

What are you mourning for?  What had you brought with you when you were born?

Why Hinduism survived for so many years when other cultures failed to?

Because of the overarching nature of Hinduism, it accepted all the cultures and made them a part of Hindu culture. While other cultures, might be due to their stubbornness, they could not do so. Therefore, even after facing the worst aggressions, Hinduism could survive.

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