Har Har Mahadev Meaning

Shiva linga - Har Har Mahadev

Har Har Mahadev Meaning:

Har Har Mahadev is a chant associated with Lord Shiva.

Why do Hindus chant Har Har Mahadev:

There are many reasons for this. Hindus use it as a war cry. Especially, the Maratha army used this slogan extensively during wars. Devotees of Lord Shiva use it in person or in a group to hail Lord Shiva. Chanting this slogan gives energy to devotees. Also, chanting the name of a god is considered a good Karma. Therefore, many Hindus chant Har Har Mahadev.

Why are there different meanings of Har Har Mahadev?

As Sanskrit is an ancient language, there are different meanings of the same words. Also, the meanings of many words have changed over time. Therefore, there are many interpretations of this chant.

Different meanings of Har Har Mahadev:

I think many people do not know the real Har Har Mahadev meaning. Mahadev means the god of the gods. It is one of the most popular names of Lord Shiva. Therefore, there is no issue with the meaning of the word Mahadev. The word Har has more than one meaning.

1. Har is one of the names of Lord Shiva. Therefore, Har Har Mahadev simply means “Shiva Shiva Shiva.”

2. One of the meanings of Har (original Hara) is “to take away.” It also means destroyer. The devotees plead to Lord Shiva to take away or destroy their miseries, ego, ignorance, etc. Therefore, they say Har Har Mahadev, which means “Please take away (destroy) bad things in our life, O Lord Shiva.”

3. In Hindi, Har means everyone. Therefore, Har Har Mahadev means “Everyone is Lord Shiva.”


The first meaning does not make any sense.

Har Har Mahadev is an ancient chant and the word has its roots in Sanskrit. Therefore, the Hindi meaning of the word is not useful here. Therefore, the third meaning is also not valid.

Among all the three meanings mentioned above, the second meaning sounds quite logical as devotees request the lord to take away their pain and ignorance.

Therefore, we can conclude that Har Har Mahadev means “Please take away (destroy) my sorrow and ignorance, O Lord Shiva.”

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